Safe cities

The digital transformation provides broad benefits to society and cities, but it also implies enormous challenges in terms of the security of institutions and the privacy of citizens. The digital society is a more open society, but also more exposed to threats of different kinds. Many of the solutions that smart cities use to manage their resources and improve the quality of life of their citizens come from the combined use of IoT and big data.

In this context, security and reliability in digital environments are fundamental issues to guarantee the functioning of public systems and government services, as well as to protect urban infrastructure and citizens. Cybersecurity issues long ago ceased to be mere hypotheses of dystopian science fiction scenarios and are today a matter of urgent agenda and with practical consequences. It is, furthermore, a phenomenon that requires specific and at the same time systemic approaches, to address both critical attacks on infrastructure and risks to the security and well-being of people in their digital identity as users. ace of connected systems. The session seeks to explore where the risks of the digital revolution lie for citizens, governments and cities, as well as How to analyze examples and strategies of collaboration between the public and private sectors to achieve safer and more reliable digital environments.

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